Barriers to delivering integrated go-to-market execution for our research:
- Functional Expertise:
each function within the sales and marketing machines of major brand owners are typically tasked and organised to deliver different elements of the plan, with different metrics and no consistent comparative measures
- Plethora of Choices:
there has been an explosion in the number of touchpoints and investment choices available to influence consumers and shoppers and it’s extraordinarily hard for teams to know where best to invest
- Legacy systems and ways of working:
there is no shortage of systems and data, but this is typically held in disparate legacy systems and not easily accessible to inform decision making. The recent pandemic has compounded the situation with remote working making it harder than ever for teams to share, collaborate and align, with no one place to access, assess and adjust the plan.
It takes an enormous effort to deliver high quality, fully aligned plans that work for the consumer, the shopper, the trade and your brand.
We believe the answer to the questions about where best to invest and how best to help the FMCG organisation construct integrated plans across functions that deliver both brand objectives and optimise ROI lies in an evolution of the way we think about Shopper Journey Based Marketing.
Whatever the objective; Awareness, Consideration, Trial or Repeat; understanding consumers, their needs, drivers, shopping missions and consumption occasions from the lens of the shopper journey gives us the ability to target communications effectively.
Whether broadcast or personal, brand or shopper marketing, price or equity message, the shopper doesn’t care who creates it or how it is organised. When the right message is delivered at the right time and in the right way, this communication has been proven to move the shopper further down the path to purchase.